This sugya discusses the motives one may have while giving Tzedakah.
It is brought down by Chazal, regarding the mitzvah of Ma’aser, that there is a guaranteed reward for one who performs this Mitzvah.  Even more so, the Navi Malachi explicitly states “Put Me to the test…” (3:10) – guaranteeing that when one gives Ma’aser to the needy, Hashem will bestow upon him unlimited Bracha.
The Rishonim and Poskim question – does this promise (that one may test Hashem by doing a Mitzvah and receive a guaranteed reward) apply only to the Ma’aser taken from produce, or does it apply to all forms of Ma’aser, including Ma’aser K’safim?  And does it apply to charity in general?
Taking it further, does the requested reward have to be a monetary reward (as a Middah K’neged Middah for the charity/Ma’aser that was given), or can one “test Hashem” and request something else – a Zechus for a Refuah Shelaimah, Shidduch, etc.?
We continue in this vein to discuss additional motives when doing a Mitzvah.  While a Yid does a mitzvah due to his innate desire to serve Hashem, may he still have the additional motive of the reward that he is asking for?

Booklet Details
Pages 44
Published 5785
Series Mitzvas Tzedaka

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מצות צדקה - ב

  • Product Code: 285
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