When it comes to Mitzvos Aseh, we find various stipulations
and limitations in Chazal regarding how much one is required to exert and
overextend himself in order to fulfill the Mitzvah. (This is in contrast to Mitzvos Lo Sa’aseh,
where one is required to do all he can in order to avoid transgressing.) Certain specific Mitzvos obligate one to even
sell his last shirt or collect money in order to be able to perform the Mitzvah.
One of these unique Mitzvos is Ner Chanukah. This Sugya discusses the sources for this requirement
for this Mitzvah – the Pirsumei Nissa aspect of Ner Chanukah.
We discuss the following questions:
- ·
Should one collect / spend
even more for Mehadrin Neiros, or does he need to just have enough money to pay
for basic Neiros in order to fulfill the Ikar Mitzvah of “one light per
- ·
What happens on Erev Shabbos
Chanuka –if one only has enough for one light, does he spend it on Shabbos
lights (Shalom Bayis) or Chanukah lights (Pirsumei Nissa)?
- ·
Is one required to collect
money for other Mitzvos as well?
- Is one allowed to overspend more than a fifth e.g. an exorbitant amount for a beautiful Esrog?
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 45 |
Published | 5785 |
Series | Chanuka 5785 |
חיוב נר חנוכה במי שאין לו מעות
- Product Code: 282
- Availability: In Stock
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