This sugya discusses the essence of the Mitzvah of Sukkah. The Passuk states clearly that this Mitzvah is to commemorate the Sukkos that klal Yisroel used when they left Mitzrayim. But unlike most Mitzvos, the Torah also adds the reason behind this Mitzvah : "so that we should remember this phenomenon for generations". Many Poskim suggest that this seems to obligate one to have an additional "understanding" of the reasons behind this Mitzvah, in addition to the regular Kavana required when performing a Mitzvah.
This leads us to analyze the question - what exactly were these Sukkos that we are supposed to remember and transmit to the next generation? We begin by studying the machlokes between R' Akiva and R' Eliezer – were they physical booths, or were they clouds that protected them from the elements of the Midbar? We discuss various sources in the Rishonim (including the Meforshei haMikra - Onkelos, Rashi, Rashbam, and Ramban) from which we can deduce which opinion each one held. This obviously has ramifications as to how to thank Hashem for this phenomenon. We also discuss whether this is an expansion of the Mitzvah of Zechiras Yetzias Mitzrayim, or if it is its own commemoration. Why is this miracle different than the other miracles in the Midbar (i.e. Mann, Slav, Be’er etc.) that it requires its own commemoration?
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 42 |
Published | 5784 |
Series | Yeshivas Sukkah 5784 |
ישיבת סוכה - טעם המצוה, חיוב כוונה
- Product Code: 271
- Availability: In Stock
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