This Shavuos sugya focuses on Birkas Hatorah – specifically,
one’s obligation to recite Birkas Hatorah when hearing words of Torah spoken by
someone else. According to the Shulchan Aruch, one is not required to make a Bracha
before thinking in learning. But under which
category does “listening” to Torah fall? Is “listening” a form of thinking, or is
it considered actual learning.
This leads us to a fundamental discussion of how Chazal
perceive the act of listening. We
discuss the well-known principle of Shomeh K’oneh – i.e. Mitzvos that require
speech can be fulfilled by listening to the speech of others. Can we therefore determine that even when one
only hears words of Torah, it is considered as if he had said them?
Among the subjects discussed: Was Ma’amad Har Sinai a form
of “dibur” or listening?
Some real-life scenarios discussed:
Listening to a recorded
shiur vs a live shiur
Stopping one’s Shemone
Esrei to listen to Kedushah – is that a hefsek?
Krias Hatorah
Writing Divrei Torah vs
thinking Divrei Torah
And many more
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 65 |
Published | 5784 |
Series | Shavuos |
ברכת התורה על שמיעת דברי תורה
- Product Code: 934
- Availability: In Stock
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