This sugya analyzes and brings clarity to the Tekios of Rosh Hashana. There are two series of Tekios - one before Musaf (Tekios Di’meyushav) and one “during” Musaf (Tekios Di’meumad). Min Hatorah, we are only obligated to blow one set, however, Chazal added the second set. Once that second set was added, the question is: which one fulfills the actual Chiyuv Min Hatorah. We also discuss the special significance of blowing Tekios during Mussaf, and analyze the concept of “confusing the Satan”.
This discussion directly impacts the various Minhagim of different Kehilos. For example: Why do some Kehillos blow 100 kolos, while others do not?
We continue with a separate discussion about the minhag of Sefardim and Chasidim to blow during the silent Shemone Esrei as well. We have included a fascinating debate between the Avnei Nezer and the Minchas Elazar of Munkatch on this subject, with a wealth of Marei M’komos on this subject (in the footnotes). The last part discusses a common Halacha L’maaseh scenario for those who conduct themselves according to this custom (i.e. should one try to keep up with the Ba’al Tokeia so that he is at the correct point in his silent Shemone Esrei when those Tekios that are being blown).
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 69 |
Published | 5783 |
Series | Sedras Davar B'Ito |
תקיעות דמיושב ותקיעות דמעומד
- Product Code: 244
- Availability: In Stock
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