Focuses on the little-understood Halacha of reciting Krias Shema before one goes to sleep. While we know there is a chiyuv to recite Shema twice a day, there is an additional chiyuv to say Shema before going to sleep. We discuss the various reasons for this Halacha and the practical ramifications. Is it based on the concept that one should end his day with Talmud Torah, or is it a shemirah - which leads us to a discussion if one may use Torah as a shemira. We also discuss the Bracha of “Hamapil”, and the reason why some communities refrain from saying this Bracha (or at least omit “Shem Umalchus”). Since this is not a very well-known Halachic Sugya, we added a special section “Lehalacha” that spells out all the Halachos in different communities.This sugya ties into Parshas Balak as Rashi says that Bila'am alluded to the special quality of Bnei Yisroel reciting Sh’ma at bedtime
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 42 |
Published | 5783 |
Series | Vayovinu B'Mikreh |
קריאת שמע שעל המיטה
- Product Code: 240
- Availability: In Stock
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