Many Dinim in the Torah are dependent on speech, such as Nedarim, Limud HaTorah, saying testimony (Eidus), uttering Hashem’s name, Sefiras Haomer, etc. The question is - how is the written word recognized? For example, if one is writing Torah thoughts, does he have to say Birkas Hatorah first? Is a written statement considered an actual neder/testimony? Is a written falsehood considered a lie? This sugya discusses all these scenarios and others.This concept is relevant to Parshas Yisro, as the Mechilta discusses the communication between Yisro and Moshe. The poskim use this Mechilta as a basis for this very subject.
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 83 |
Published | 5783 |
Series | V'yavinu B'Mikrah |
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