Many mitzvos require the use of a specific item in order to fulfill that mitzvah - Sukkah, Lulav, Shofar, Tzitzis, and of course ner Chanukah. Once the item is used for a mitzvah, it is given a certain status and one should be careful not to disgrace the object. In this sugya, we discuss how one must handle Tashmishei Mitzvah and whether they can be used again (either to perform another mitzvah, or for non-mitzvah related tasks). We also discuss the proper method of disposal of these items. These objects include Daled Minim, Hoshanos, Chanuka wicks and oil, Tzitzis, Tallis, etc.
This sugya has an obvious direct connection to the Mitzvah of Ner Chanuka, as the Gemara relates that one may not count coins (a mundane activity) using the light of Ner Chanuka.
As an addendum to this sugya, we have included a fascinating discussion between two worlds - Rav Shlomo Hakohen, Dayan of Vilna (Cheshek Shlomo) and Rav Chaim Chezkya Medini (Sdei Chemed) - on how to understand the passage Haneiros Halalu Kodesh Haim.
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 54 |
Published | 5783 |
Series | Mitzvos |
תשמישי מצוה וכבודם
- Product Code: 222
- Availability: In Stock
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