Exploring the machlokes amongst the
poskim regarding whether one must recite Birkas Hatorah before Selichos. The
question is based upon how we understand the obligation of Birkas Hatorah. Does
simply reciting Pesukim from the Torah in the form of Tefilah mandate a Bracha,
or is the Bracha only required if one actually learns the Pesukim? This
question is pertinent all year round as well. For example, if one says Krias
Shma before davening, must he say Birkas Hatorah first, or in regards to the
Pesukim that appear in most Siddurim (i.e. Mah Tovu, etc.) prior to Birkas
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 45 |
Published | 5782 |
Series | Sedras Davar B'Ito |
תפילות ותחנונים לפני ברכת התורה
- Product Code: 213
- Availability: In Stock
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