This sugya explores the exoneration of one who commits an Aveira B'Oness. The source for this exemption is the pasuk in Parshas Ki Seitzei that states "v'lana'arah lo sa'aseh davar". An aveira that one commits B'Shogeg (unintentionally) is still considered an aveira which requires a korban, while an Oness does not. However, there is still much discussion as to whether one would still need a Kapara/Teshuva, and why. One proof of this concept is the fact that, in the Viduy on Yom Kippur we include aveiros that were done b'oness.
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 63 |
Published | 5782 |
Series | V'yavinu B'Mikreh |
עבירה באונס
- Product Code: 212
- Availability: In Stock
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