This sugya focuses on the obligation to recite Birkas Hatorah. Specifically, we will explain why Birkas Hatorah is different than all other Brachos - typically, one is required to make a Brocha immediately before performing a mitzvah, whereas Birkas Hatorah is normally recited once in the morning, encompassing all of the Limud Torah for the new day (usually regardless of any lapses in learning).
We discuss the various opinions as to what constitutes a hefsek that would in fact require a new Brocha. While taking a break from learning in order to go about one's regular day may not be considered a hefesk, napping by day or sleeping by night may indeed be one. This has obvious ramifications specifically on Shavuos morning, after staying awake to learn all night long.
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 75 |
Published | 5782 |
Series | Shavuos |
היסח הדעת בברכת התורה
- Product Code: 932
- Availability: In Stock
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