Explores the actual chiyuv of reciting Krias Shema, which is the declaration
of one's Kabolas Malchus Shomayim. Also discusses whether it is a chiyuv
min Hatorah or M’drabnanan. We will also discuss the minimum amount one is
obligated to say - e.g. one Passuk, one Parsha, two Parshiyos or all three Parshiyos.
Booklet Details | |
Pages | 66 |
Published | 5780 |
Series | Mitzvas Krias Shema |
מצות קריאת שמע-מדאורייתא ומדרבנן
- Product Code: 138
- Availability: In Stock
Available Options
- Rabbi Moshe Langer
- Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Loewi 1
- Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Loewi 2
- Rabbi Yaakov Pascal 1
- Rabbi Yaakov Pascal 2
- Rabbi Dovid Rosengarten 1
- Rabbi Dovid Rosengarten 2
- Rabbi Akiva Rotenberg 1
- Rabbi Akiva Rotenberg 2
- Rabbi Yitzchok Silber 1
- Rabbi Yitzchok Silber 2
- Rabbi Avrohom Snyder
- Rabbi Avrohom Snyder 2
- Rabbi Avrohom Snyder 1 (5780)
- Rabbi Avrohom Snyder Addendum (5780)
- Rabbi Yosef Weinman
- Yiddish Rabbi Mendel Fuerst
- Yiddish Rabbi Yitzchok Aron Gruber
- Yiddish Rav Dovid Magid
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