Continues to focus on the subject of Chamar Medina, specifically, discussing the leniency of Chamar Medina when making the daytime kiddush. Also discussed, is which beverages fall into the category of Chamar Medina. Finally, we will touch upon the issue of making kiddush on Shabbbos morning on a small shot glass of whiskey.


Booklet Details
Pages 51
Published 5779
Series Chamar Medina

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חמר מדינה לקידוש והבדלה ולכוס של ברכה-ב

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 חמר מדינה לקידוש והבדלה ולכוס של ברכה - א

חמר מדינה לקידוש והבדלה ולכוס של ברכה - א

This sugya focuses on the topic of Chamar Medina -the use of beverages other than wine fo..

Tags: Orach Chaim, Kidddush, Shabbos, Chamar Medina,