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Analyzes the source of this obligation and discusses whether it is a chiyuv min Hatorah or not. We also discuss whether one is merely obligated to learn the material or must be actively involved in anticipation of the upcoming Chag.  We will also discuss the Minhag as it is practiced today, and how it relates to the Shabbos Hagadol Drasha delivered by Rabbonim right before Pesach.

Booklet Details
Pages 32
Published 5776
Series Pesach 5776

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דין שואלין ודורשין שלושים יום קודם הפסח

  • Product Code: 22
  • Availability: Out Of Stock


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Tags: Shoalin V'Dorshin Shloshim Yom Kodem Pesach, moadim, orach chaim, שואלין ודורשין